Common Mistakes To Avoid When Doing Bathroom Renovations

A bathroom renovation on the Gold Coast can transform one of the most important rooms of your house into something special, elevating the property value and enhancing the overall quality of life of the home’s occupants.

However, many inexperienced contractors or DIY renovators forget to consider some of the practicalities involved, leading to costly mistakes. Here are some common bathroom renovation oversights to avoid:

Underestimating The Budget

Underestimating the budget is one of the most common errors people make when planning a bathroom renovation. The total cost of renovation is not just the cost of the new bath or shower you wish to install but also includes extensive plumbing work, electrical work, the addition or removal of fixtures, replacing tiles and the labour involved.

It might also involve the cost of getting approvals from local councils or strata managers. Therefore, ensuring that you can afford the bathroom renovation requires creating a detailed budget that includes these items and allocating additional funds for other unexpected expenses that may arise during the process.

Not Factoring in Waterproofing

Waterproofing is critical to ensuring a bathroom is a functional space in the house. Failing to incorporate waterproofing can lead to water damage and mould growth.

Many DIY renovators and inexperienced contractors can overlook this step and fail to do it correctly. When waterproofing is not done correctly, it can lead to leaks, which can cause catastrophic damage to walls, floors and other structural elements. This is not to mention the significant health concerns that mould and mildew can cause.

Therefore, the contractor you hire to do your bathroom renovations must know how to thoroughly waterproof the bathroom before installing any upgrades, fixtures or finishes.

Choosing The Appropriate Materials

Bathroom renovators can often get carried away with choosing materials that look pretty but fail to meet the functional requirements of a wet room. Bathroom renovations need to have durable, water-resistant materials that can resist moisture-related deterioration over time.

Choosing materials suitable for a bathroom environment means they need to be moisture-resistant and waterproof. This includes things like waterproof paint, water-resistant tiles and corrosion-resistant fixtures.

Using non-water-resistant materials or low-quality fixtures can result in costly maintenance issues.

Overlooking Ventilation

Another mistake many DIY bathroom renovators and inexperienced contractors make is failing to incorporate proper ventilation into the bathroom. This can lead to excessive moisture buildup, which can cause mould and mildew growth.

To avoid this, it is necessary to install either extractor fans or ensure adequate airflow by installing windows and vents. Doing so is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable bath environment that also protects the integrity of the structural and decorative elements.

At Varli Building, we are experts at bathroom renovation on the Gold Coast. If you want your bathroom to be upgraded correctly with professionalism and style, contact us today.